ACEs: From Awareness to Massive Action


ACEs are at the core of everything we do.

Enabling Sustainable Change

ACEs at the core of everything we do.

An ACEs-Informed Approach to Empowering and Transforming Lives

We Empower ACEs is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working to confront the effects of childhood adversity in children, women, families, and communities. 

Our mission is to help and empower people to transform their lives by creating their own success stories through an array of trauma-informed programs. 

We believe in building resilient communities around the world 

Our efforts include:

  1. Building social awareness and understanding of ACEs
  2. Mobilizing trauma-informed communities
  3. Training community service providers (doctors, nurses, educators, counselors) to become trauma-informed
  4. Building referral networks of treatment providers
  5. Empowering people with the skills and resources to transform personal and professional lives

We Need Your Help

Together, we can help prevent, identify, and treat Adverse Childhood Experiences— impacting the lives of millions of children and adults around the globe. Become a part of our community.

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